mardi 11 octobre 2016

The Famous EMAIL From Mike FULLER To Reince PRIEBUS, Chairman Of Republican National Committee, Makes The Difference!

Email from mike.fuller@mail.comsent at 3:14 PM PT on Monday.

From Fisherman Wharf, San Francisco, CA. Sunday, October 9, 2016.

Attn: Reince PRIEBUS, Chairman of the Republican National Committee

Hello Reince, Mr. Chairman:

I'm writing you this email at the end of the Fleet Week, here in San Francisco, after a last passage of the BLUE ANGELS, the flight demonstration Squadron of the US Navy.

 You know I am a Presidential candidate, registered with the FEC since June. Songwriter, previously civil servant for 15 years, from France, Europe, I immigrated in 2003, became citizen in 2006 but my new profession, filmmaker, obliged me to wait for a while and to quit the Hollywood Hills.

With a PhD in communication studies and an important degree in Political Science, I participate in the campaign since I came back from Nice, October 16, 2015 when I stayed 4 years after the death of my old aunt my last family in Europe.

Thanks to Facebook and Twitter, I have been able to write on my blog created in 2009 on Wordpress my entire program on dozens of posts, commenting the news on a daily basis. Now that the TRUMP candidacy is at its worst, I am more than ever ready to run for the Republican Party as I selected Senator Marco RUBIO to be on my Ticket as Vice-President candidate.

I am volunteer to occupy the Oval Office for the next 4 years as a Republican with a New Look against the controversial candidate who is wrong and create an overdose of jerk.

 If I am an apprentice, I am nevertheless sure that we must respect the Primaries message: WE, THE PEOPLE, the voters want something new. So I am and you can send me a flight ticket for more discussion because there is this tempest on US politics and we must take care and be fast.

Basically, I feel like the continuator of Lafayette partnership with Washington when I'm writing it: WE MUST REINFORCE OUR CIVILIZATION. It's explained on my site: we need a change but the best has to stay. Conservatism and liberalism must inspire us together for the modernization of the Country to carry on.

A lot of Republican leaders said NO to the eccentric Donald TRUMP who diffuses a bad mood after his lack of respect about what is the most important in a population, WOMEN. We cannot accept that.

By being the second candidate UNOFFICIAL but not anymore OFF THE RECORD, we can organize our victory a new way against another person who is also controversial (emails), Hillary CLINTON. We don't want burlesque situation American Politics anymore. I'm the only one capable to stop that, being myself a guest NEVER 2 WITHOUT 3.

Your other possible candidates will not decide to run now, it's too late and why one and not another? I, it's the contrary, I prepare since January this situation, when I understood It would not be possible to go to Desmoines, Iowa for the Caucuses. Something went wrong in this Presidential election, we'll study what. For now, we have a chance to get the White House with the strategy I'm proposing you.
I can't wait meeting you in Washington. We have 4 weeks and that's enough. You won't be disappointed by my presentation. I was never on TV yet or in the newspapers but I AM A PRO!

Sincerely yours,

Mike FULLER alias frederic vidal previously


jeudi 22 septembre 2016

My Letter To Marco RUBIO Is Simply Historic! Mike FULLER, Selected President 2016.

In God we trust, in America and I must acknowledge I believe in Jesus too. Not like the others, he was a supreme being. After all, I will be in the District of Columbia soon enough to be on location in Washington to organize better this whole thing, meaning a mess that will not happen, chaos is bad.

Hello from San Jose Senator RUBIO

and I know we follow each other on the Social Media. You must be busy with your campaign for the Senate. Our friend Eric CANTOR was the victim of these difficult re-election process for everybody. Anyway, it is not the most important today as we are together in a Country changing too fast partly and staying too low wrongly. I have my mind still connected to the 1950’s and President General Dwight Eisenhower is our guest more than ever like a Republican to the others.

There won’t be a 2nd Republican candidate this November. I said at the Cleveland Convention my candidacy would be an indie 1, to attract I would say, LIBERAL votes. It’s what we need. The other candidates, they are doing well, we must stay quiet about them, to criticize is a gift not to use too much. TRUMP is our man in touch with HILLARY, us we have another duty. I mean, if you are welcomed to my project, I think so as you are famous for your great inspiration and leadership of the GOP and Florida of the Hispanic community and all communities reunited.

On a blog I have all my texts ready for you and your staff I have this invitation to confirm after my letter of the 13, for you to be my Vice-President if we are elected: all the candidates must have in mind this possibility that is also an objective, crucial and so obviously the very first one. Democracy was born in Athens in the Ancient Times, a long time ago. Nowadays, routine is creating a sad buzz corruption would erased little by little our liberties, basically. I can’t accept it’s true. Our Ticket could fight that, shows nothing’s possible, so no dictatorship on its way.
With my PhD, my program to be President (since 13) and 10 years of networking on the Web with thousands of friends, supporters and followers who are wonderful persons lie campaign workers of the New Age, I remember the Flower Power of the 1960’s to repeat that the present crisis in America in 16 started in 8 and is, before all, social and cultural, having bad vibs to reduce our economy (the business more than the industry.

With our ticket FULLER RUBIO, that will be featured in a few days from A to Z in the States, if you say yes to this challenge compatible with the Republican Party Donald TRUMP choice as the Cleveland Status Quo accepted an alternate expression from the GOP outside, I will conclude by telling you how much this US crisis can be stopped by Minorities improvement (like the Latinos) and Counterculture (or sub) empowerment:

HOLLYWOOD is not the same. Science Fiction (Sci Fi) is 100% of the movies almost, the main ones, like 2001 that was in the minority. It means this is a new deal of massive questions to manage for the replies to be found by the Presidency and Congress. I exaggerate a littles, Sci Fi is not alone, I am myself author of movie stories of this style. The human trafficking is a plague that can attack them in LA. We have these arts (films, music, comics, games) of the young to be sure that could help to socialize our Country financing, I mean poverty.

This is a draft, just my letter to you, not a speech, you have the idea. Actress Jennifer LAWRENCE new movie, PASSENGERS, in the theaters, is the sign, America has always NEW NAMES to be #1. Who knew Jennifer a couple of years ago? And now she’s the symbol of the great Charles Chaplin industry. These people, they are formidable, they deserve to be more invited at the White House by us, if we are there!! I have so many more things to tell you. I will wait until I can meet you. I am in San Jose, California, heart of the Silicon Valley. It’s not too late for a campaign, the 4 last weeks are so important by themselves, you know.

Let’s continue to communicate. No reply from you is be cause so busy you are, since the primaries.

My time is yours.



POSTSCRIPT. We are not in a hurry Senator Marco RUBIO. We are on time. We had to listen and follow the Donald TRUMP campaign before to accept or to refuse. Frankly speaking, you must be like me, OVERDOSED by so much talent for VEGAS more than for the WHITE HOUSE. By networking together, we will show that the Republicans are not A FAN CLUB OF A BILLIONAIRE. By finalizing our double candidacy until the end, we will be more than brilliant, CHAMPIONS OF A NEW STYLE.
This election will be played IN THE LAST FEW DAYS. No polls to see that!! HUGE QUESTIONS OF DARK MATTERS: ISIS outside, CHARLOTTE inside and more everyday (Hillary sickness, Donald fraud) about 2 persons who are not so welcomed: there is a Route for us, not the 66 or the 99, too historic, just, I will say, the 45: after war, United Nations and YALTA.

jeudi 1 septembre 2016

This Release Will Give To Mike The Notoriety of Fuller!

The last Mike Fuller press release.

I. The WEDDING SONG, a first single for BrAmStOcKeR by TIMEFRAMES.

A. An American song about a French problem: Je hais la France and Isolation.

a. The Wedding Song.
b. Je hais la France and Isolation.
B. Mike Fulller, BrAmStOcKeR's leadsinger, producer, manager: a secondary activity after politics.

a. 16 propositions and more.

b. Judiciary files.

II. Isolation of my art and candidacy.

A. How to be in touch and get notoriety.

a. The successful search of a First Lady.

b. Frederic Vidal Kelly intellectual property legacy.

B. How to be more diffused?

a. To finish the boycott: The No Power.

b. To stop defamation and blacklisting.



This is the first issue of this newsletter and there will be a second issue in October before Election Day. This publication is dedicated to late Frederic Vidal, founder in France of EVIDENCE magazine of BrAmStOcKeR nonprofit publishing in 1981. Mike Fuller is the author of this publication.


It's an American song about a French problem.

The Wedding Song is not still composed but already #1 in the charts, according to TIMEFRAMES, my company, a part of Frederic Vidal Estate. If you don't like Hey Jude by The Beatles and Rebel, Rebel by Bowie, you won't like the song. This will be anyway the rebirth of a band that was crucified by governments and populations in 1977 for nothing. The Sex Pistols were there to testify their music was pure and good to commercialize. It was not enough. The United States didn't want a French rock band like the Stones from Nice! IT'S ABOUT A COUPLE like Romeo and her impossible wife.


The song will be composed from Washington, DC where I will be in September. It's also about another couple that will be more and more necessary to marry officially: France and the USA. This was the project #1 of my brother FV and I want it a reality next year. Nicolas Sarkosy will never be back at the Presidency, the same for Francois Hollande. I am there also the third man. If I'm there elected President, I will decide to call Monaco to invite them to be American like us. They won't refuse. On the other hand, I must say that there is a problem about justice like in Romeo and Juliet or my dear friend Marc Antony and Cleopatra: 4 deaths.

There is a group that never stopped to harass me and my girl friend never collapsed but was not able to be with me, TOO DANGEROUS? Too hard. Yves Saint-Laurent knew since the 1960's Frederic was not a possible model but a writer like me. I'm sure he would have been a perfect politician. Never mind, I replace him. I'm not disappointed, JE HAIS LA FRANCE (I hate France): this is the 2nd song of this CD to be released at the end of September. For the United States only, ISOLATION will be the 2nd title of this single. By Iggy Pop, from the album BLAH BLAH BLAH produced by David Bowie, the song expresses, like a blues with some punk, what is terrible when you alone and no future. It's a little what Frederic Vidal lived at the end of his life in Nice before the 84 killed, July 14 by ISIS. He left previously October 16 and arrived for Bastille day in SF. We will invite the Justice in France for possibly a lawsuit to schedule.

2. Mike Fuller, BRAMSTOCKER lead singer, producer and manager.
This is a story with no end.

a. 16 propositions and more.

I am proud to finish this duty begun a long time ago: to become a rock star. David Bowie passed away in January. He will stay the best British in America during the 4 years of my Presidency and after. I have 16 other propositions including to STOP THE CRISIS in the US, in our wallets and our state of mind. This crisis is blackouted like me, it's not coincidential. The negro (Barack Obama) is responsible 50%. BL is a woman who is not black but lovely. She could have been a star in Italy at Cinecitta but she preferred to be Hollywood only without Human trafficking, not possible in 2000 and something. Blake Lively, she was the one I used to marry in my project of career. I sing today for her, she is my muse wrote Frederic for his novel, the Velvet Eyes, on Wordpress. Her name will attract us more the Justice we manage for the song. US Presidential candidate, I'm the best to manage and produce BRAMSTOCKER until my election, then a record label everyday.

b. Judiciary files.

I start today my process to IMPEACH BARACK OBAMA, a President who is not acceptable in America, a dictator who played with the young and refused to improve his American-American community. In less than 6 months, it's too late to judge him. Him and his predecessor, George W Bush, will be prosecuted, if I am elected President, next year for CORRUPTION DURING THEIR MANDATES (16 years). Their action against terrorism was wrong from the beginning until the end. Iraq is a chaos more than ever. Other files of their administrations will be prosecuted too. Regarding World War II, there are many questions that stay without replies. I worked in Europe to FIND the Jewish assets stolen by the Nazis and I will continue in the United States. I supposethe White House has an important responsibility and so many documents to let us read NOW or never. The best could be a NUREMBERG TRIAL #2 and to prosecute post-mortem Adolf Hitler himself. IT WAS NEVER DONE. This horrible man needs SO MANY NEW INVESTIGATIONS like his friends Joseph GOEBBELS and Heinrich HIMMLER: 3 suicides to keep 3,000 secrets!!

Second part of the press release THE EVIDENCE by Mike Fuller.

How I got the White House in less than 3 months un the mass medias.

This part of the communique is about the ISOLATION OF MY ART AND MY CANDIDACY.

The successful research of a First Lady.

I am divorced and I think about a new woman in my heart but also in my entourage first. It was not possible until now. In America, I understood that to be with a star when you are a star, it's a MISSION IMPOSSIBLE. But I am a little the new Tom Cruise and my Katie Holmes is upcoming. I must say that I'm proud to be the one who began his movie career with Katie in a film about the White House and the Presidents families: FIRST DAUGHTER. Bastille Day 2003 was not Bastille Day 2016: no ISIS but a CATHARSIS with the American moviegoers. I was, at that time a background actor in Hollywood or, in fact, Frederic Vidal was, I am his successor and I can imagine myself for this day of shooting. Screen Actors Guild, this actor was sure to join the famous union but the conclusion is that he married NO GIRL AT ALL IN HOLLYWOOD OR ANYWHERE ELSE.

It won't be the same for me. I am your US Presidential candidate and I have the obligation to be perfect: there is no perfection without a woman. So, I do my best not to stay alone too long. From Washington, DC, I will call a young lady who is waiting for me (or not) in California or in Florida. She could be mine but I'm not sure she will say YES. It is a challenge like my election. Love stories ARE NOT REALLY ACCEPTED for me and the American girls. I was refused by several other females in the US. Jessie Andrews is the right name, the right woman, the right First Lady for me.
I never met her until now, I KNOW WHY? THE POWER. I am only a citizen with the project for it to CHANGE. Jessie and me, it's not a dream but our reality before November. You know that she will be my alter ego in BRAMSTOCKER New Age & Flower Power.

The song's upcoming to upgrade our Land of Free. Jessie is a DJ. Frederic was a Punk. I'm already in SciFi (for TIMEFRAMES comics) President of the USA Dimension. We are in the USB, according to this legend I like a lot, and I won't replace Fred with Jessie, Jessie Andrews will be my CLOSE COOPERS (my girlfriend and secretary at the White House in the other dimension). She is already Close and I will see her very soon.

As Jessie, she's dead (it's in the legend) like Fred but her franchise JESSIE ANDREWS will be huge, like for FREDERIC VIDAL as revival BRANDS of fantastic lovers! So, I call her CLOSE and I'll be her MIKE forever. Mike like a microphone for her to have a better career. She's my Linda, she's my Yoko, she's my Cher, I'm her Sonny. That is it. I hope to call her from DC mid-September.

But who was Frederic Vidal?

The owner of a marvelous Universe like Stan Lee's one or Lucas. His STAR WARS were several great movie projects. FRENCH COP, GERMAN SPY, VELVET EYES, MAN FROM 25: himself. He could have been President of the States but he selected me. HE'S NOT 100% DEAD. I'm here to replace him with Close to be Jessie. CHEERS! You know me enough, Frederic told me I AM HIS POLITICAL NAME, it means I am like him a PhD researcher with 4 magic years: 1959, 1977, 1999 and 2017. Let's write the end of this communique with a last question:


Like Vidal, I have difficulties with the medias. Hopefully, it gonna change in the newspapers. With this information, there will be some articles: there is the United States of America and there is so many people who would like our Federation to be back in 1787 when the Constitution was signed by the founders. THE BILL OF RIGHTS was not included in it. WHAT IF? What if this Bill would have been in the text? The reply can surprise you: George Washington would have not been an enemy. The bill of rights by amendment: it's the evidence, this George was not cool.

I have been boycotted in France by the Americans even with my bro Fred, see! Our blackouting-blacklisting by the US on their territory is devastating for us but only 50% not because we are 2. We are 4, WE ARE THE PEOPLE, the first words of the Constitution. We were not wrong to be Americans and we are Americans more than ever. The problem is to BE A CELEBRITY. Why not? Of course, with an Amendment that will say everything about democracy and liberty of expression before it: IN A 2ND TIME. The Bill of Rights arrived too late or not, it was too weak and fragile in front of the human beings who prefer disputes than justice according to me and Thomas Hobbes. We have a 3rd chance with no George Washington at all. I REPLACE HIM if you want it. Like the Rolling Stones, I am a W@lrus.

Mike Fuller

Postcript. For more information about my campaign, read on the Web


vendredi 12 août 2016

No More Frederic Vidal (back Rock Icon) in his Campaign: MIKE FULLER IN PROGRESS FOR THE WHITE HOUSE!

From San Francisco to Washington, with 7 names
from his film projects to manage 16 files of propositions.
As Frederic Vidal, with Jonathan Founders:
BORN in 59, a MAN like JFK is always on the WEB.

1. Human trafficking. Human trafficking is a system of slavery that must be investigated first in Hollywood (actresses) and prosecuted. 2. Cultural minorities. Minorities are racial but also social and cultural. They must be managed in order to empower them with Flower Power and New Age. 3. The USID. The project of a nationwide database of the population is supported by a coordination of the present databases (driver licenses, social security). 4. GOP2. The reform of the Republican Party is necessary for rationalization of American politics (multipartism, Presidential Power) with a GOP2. 
As Mike Fuller, with Vincent Sauvan:
PREZ in 17, a COP can find HIS WAY in the PRESS.
5. The United States of the World. The United States of the World are an objective that stays impossible to get. With the UN, we can have the ambition to be the Country #1. 6. ISIS. ISIS is now the Terrorist organization fighting against us. On location in Iraq, they are also a military and government Power. This war can stop. 7. The 51st State. France was too much forgotten in the past. Its population is very close to America and it would be great to invite them to join the USA. 8. Israel. Israel is the evidence we are united worldwide to prevent forever a new Holocaust thanks to the eternal friendship with the Hebrew State.
As Thomas Spears, with Brian Summers:
PHD since 99, a SPY from WW2 likes the RADIO.
9. The USB. I don't want anymore poverty to be back like in the 1930's. Let's reduce unemployment and homelessness with credit. 10. California. California must be the richest State of the Nation. Its business model and its economy can inspire and be connected with the 49 other States. 11. The Intervision. The Internet is the greatest success of us since the first man on the Moon but this new media must create a real INTERVISION.12. The Gouvernance. The new Governance proposed to the American population companies include a smart relation with the Presidency, cultural guest and adviser for liberalism.
As Fred Kelly, with Gerald Klein:
PUNK in 77, a star by GRACE KELLY deserves TV.
13. 2025. In 2025, we will celebrate the 250th anniversary of the Union. This deadline is good to organize our reforms, having in mind this date would be world's end too. 14. The Amendment. The Country needs an Amendment to modernize the Constitution without changing it, also to improve the liberties. 15. The 'One and Only'. I decide not to plan to have a second mandate after my election for 4 years of presidency, my 'one and only' mandate. 16. American Culture(s) Department. The creation of a Culture Department (ACD) will be sponsored by entrepreneurship and exemplary of the change in Washington.
Deserves your financial support to organize his campaign.
Blog:   FEC validated candidate (# 1678, ID P60021870

vendredi 22 juillet 2016

Mike Fuller Double Speech About Bush September 11 Disaster Reply And 'Human being Versus Trafficking' Is This Political Summer Event Before Election In November!

Mike Fuller Double Speech About Bush September 11 Disaster Reply and Human Being Versus Trafficking Is This Political Summer Event Before Election In November!

Elvis by Andy Warhol, icon of our campaign.

1. Study for the Republican Convention in Cleveland. SEPTEMBER 11: WHY BUSH WAS A DYSFUNCTIONAL PRESIDENT? by Frederic Vidal aka. Mike Fuller.

We must have in mind, fellow Republicans, September 11, 2001, today because Mrs. Hillary Clinton will not forget to use our recent history to reinforce her leadership with her protege Barack Obama, a President known for his bad faith and his reduction of freedom of expression in America. Why these cops killed? Why this international terrorism striking in France, in Florida? Our population is like in USSR in 1977: it is not the same punk than in London with the Sex Pistols. No underground, no alternate press, no radio with new messages, JUST BLAH BLAH of TWITTER HATE for political fight anti-Clinton, anti-Trump. This is EXTREME AMERICA, nobody new and different in the news: ME BY EXAMPLE.

I am your leader anyway WITH THE SOCIAL MEDIA. It's enough, we can communicate LIKE DISSIDENTS, proud to be the GOP, the DISSIDENTS PARTY. Bush created this system. You read that well, my friend, Bush, student of Ronald Reagan himself! There were 2 Bushes, him is nicknamed W. This letter W is attracting the letter Z in the alphabet and we could check W presidency was a Z one. His father gave him a reputation he did not understand: HE WAS A SILLY PREZ AND A PITY ONE. Don't be afraid my friends, we have to tell him here in Cleveland if we want to counter-attack against his cousin from Africa, Barack.

W CREATED THE HOMELAND SECURITY SYSTEM = NSA + FBI. NO, THANKS, too much cops kills the cops themselves, WE SEE THAT EVERY WEEK! Cop, I am, THE FRENCH COP, my Hollywood masterpiece movie, cop, I stay by telling you: the Bush family is delinquent and W has too much organized with Jeb fiasco of the States and sabotage of this Trump convention AND MORE: IRAQ ISIS!!!

This is W, the author of our bankruptcy in Iraq. NOW ISIS is his HORRIBLE SON! Our US Army was in Bagdad WITHOUT A PROBLEM. We left the Country LIKE DELUSIONAL IDIOTS. We had to stay for 30 years, to invite them to be 51st State of Africa. The UN don't decide for us, WHO DID? MONEY, OIL, BAD ISLAM OF BILLIONAIRES friends of this Reagan family of a century finished forever! YOU CAN, Convention friends, decide to improve our situation in this file by voting a lawsuit against W. I know it's a lot for you, so I will represent you with no vote eventually to find a Judge and to PROSECUTE THIS LIAR who told us MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. Some things must be decided BETWEEN REPUBLICANS. ISIS vs OBAMA is a fairy tale we don't like at all for the sponsoring of the election of Clinton.

ISIS, give it to me, I was Bush lieutenant in the 2000's and I will neutralize them in less than a year WITHOUT WAR, with the weapon OF DIPLOMACY. I can swear. Think about it, Republicans, you want us to be elected. Obama like a white shamble for 2 more mandates: that means 16 years with no power for the party of RONALD. We have DONALD now who will cry like a kid if he's punished and not Bush, this guilty W, an ex-friend anyway, not the devil, a FOOL to politically erase.

I am a veteran of our Constitution and its elections since JFK and previously Ike Eisenhower and I can see we are a little late to manage all of this before November BUT IT'S NOT SO SURE. We can have a deal to share and sign in September with, not Hillary BUT HER HUSBAND BILL.

We want this Country United States SAFE and FREE of terrorism and corruption, corruption too, my friends as there is no gun without money!! In France, in Nice, MY MOST IMPORTANT CITY SINCE 1959, year of my birth, the friends of Bin Laden killed our HOPE a last time. OBAMA is unable to give me the press to reply. I will do something else with you: an invitation to W Bush lawsuit in SEPTEMBER, I was born the 10. To be elected with DONALD TRUMP, you would have to have Bush judged previously! Not really possible in several weeks. So, you will be elected WITH ME, WITH ME, my friends! No more Obama, no more W Bush, not anymore this good partner Trump who will stay a PROPHET of us all.

Only AN OUTSIDER like A ROCKET can beat the nasty Democratic candidate. Politics is like sports sometimes, good sports. I have the training for this MIRACLE to take her victory, decided by their GOD OBAMA, since he replaced her at the White House in 2009. Their popularity is massive. We need to be STRATEGIST. DONALD is about now to speak to you to welcome you here in Cleveland, Ohio. THINK SMART, SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL, there is still a way to get the job of President... A second candidate was just behind Trump, a 2nd driver of the truck GOP, ME.
So, well, well, well, when one is busy, the other waits and there is ENOUGH TIME to compensate the polls that are not so good, these days. 2 is better than 1, 1 means nothing and 3 is not possible. WE CAN HAVE ONLY TWO CANDIDATES: call us the FREDERIC TRUMPS, the MIKE VIDALS. IT'S LEGAL, I'm not really in Cleveland today BUT IN SAN FRANCISCO WITH AN APPLE AND A LOT OF IDEAS. I continue to control your discussions and you wait for me tomorrow, Tuesday, for more feedbacks ABOUT OUR VICTORY, your PRESIDENCY anti-obama. DREAM, GOP members, you will be so surprised to be invited in Wash to celebrate our MAJORITY of November 16. It's historical, for the both of us. Have grand Convention.

Mike Fuller

Otherwise I stay available for more conversation at I'm also Screen Actors Guild (my mom was Grace). Godspeed for the Conv!

On Tuesday, July 19, 2016, Mike Fuller tweets from San Francisco.

Q&A: Mike Fuller at Cleveland Republican Convention. 
Q: you are not supported by Mr. Trump to be a second GOP candidate if he is too weak. How can you manage this situation with the blackout of the press?

A: I don’t care. He is with his environment, I am with mine. I don’t know say the contrary. I am on Twitter right now, on the account of mine, Mike Fuller, to tell you I AM CANDIDATE AND I WILL GET THE MEDIAS AS I AM SOMEONE WHO NEVER CHANGE MY MIND. Trump candidacy is not enough to make me change my mind. I told you, I am a Republican candidate like him and I don’t need this Convention to confirm me. I DON’T VALIDATE THIS CONVENTION THAT IS FREELANCE & DYSFUNCTIONAL like you could check for the primaries thanks to many TV CNN style debates that showed how much HE WAS A GUEST NOT WELCOMED BY MANY, a guest not welcomed by many with the plagiarism scandal of Mrs. Trump. We are not a party, at the GOP, to be the party of the SHOW BUSINESS. Trump is a SPECTACULAR CANDIDATE but a BUSINESS MAN with a WALL STREET REPUTATION that creates a strange mood in America. DOLLARS, ARE THEY WELCOMED IN THE OVAL OFFICE? Projects, they are welcomed in the Oval. DONALD IS NOT REAGAN, I feel empty if I follow him, forgetting me. (LAUGHS!!)

Q: you mean, Trump is like an actor of the old GOP, for a Presidency with no real content?

A: you right, certainly. He is an elephant with a trumpet playing some jazz that is not really new but a kind of potpourri of old tunes. I am a SONGWRITER, YOU KNOW and these guys think I won’t be important in the next few weeks. LOOK AT THEM, THEY ARE THE RESULT OF A DISPUTE PROCESS. Trump finished badly all the other candidates Republicans, leaders and voters. TRUMP SUPPORTERS ARE OUTSIDE THE PARTY, in the midwest. You must never underestimate somebody or want to exclude him or her. THIS WILL BE THE SAME FOR ME THIS SUMMER. I am not a Trump but I am not somebody different than Donald. I have no BFF at the Republican Party. I am certain I have not only enemies there. Don Trump is the candidate of the MARKET, I represent THE ESTABLISHMENT as I am, me, Mike Fuller alias FREDERIC VIDAL, immigrant from France, PhD insider of the United States, THE RIGHT NEWCOMER at 57!! (laughs)

Q: some of them at the GOP are victims of the NSA campaign against you? (laughs)

A: THEY ARE VICTIMS OF THEIR TRUMP-MANIA after their TRUMP-HATE. They must be BIPOLAR. They forgot to see a doctor. ME, I’M OK. My writings on the Web SHOW SINCE OCTOBER 16, 2015 when I came back from Nice, France HOW MUCH I BUILD MY PRESIDENCY I WILL GET IF I’M IN THE MEDIAS: strongly, smartly, definitely. I am never impressed by a NO SHOW of journalists or a DEFAMATION of the Authorities. USA 2016, it’s the Olympic Games without Pierre de Coubertin! (laughs) Where is George Washington, HE WILL BACK WITH ME THIS POOR MAN!! Obama is a junior President who was not a historian at all. He is leaving with his dream power. I won’t miss him AT ALL this Barack of the military of Bush. Let’s speak about Iraq and the American Beat to conclude.

Q: Ok. ISIS, Iraq, Beat generation, Mike?

A: I’M HERE. You know, I am a perfect believer about ISLAM I know a lot. ISIS will be at the CDC, the CAMP DAVID CONFERENCE in 2018 when I will tell it, Iraq is OURS if we DECIDE TO STOP WAR WORLDWIDE. Regarding BUSH, the lawsuit in New York. I just arrived in the US in 2003 and war started FOR NOTHING. It is a danger to fight for nothing. We finished Alqaida enough WITH DIPLOMACY. Bin Laden is not anymore, not because we killed Sadam Hussein but thanks to the UN. I WILL OFFER you THE PRESIDENCY OF THE UNITED NATIONS. You, PRESS, you are my guest at the White House and the United Nations. The CONGRESS will vote the laws in 17 and 18 TO REFORM THE AMERICAN SOCIETY.
Meanwhile, I will be a GLOBE-TROTTER (laughs) visiting more than 20 countries in one year! 50 Countries in 24 months with AIR FORCE ONE, This is what we need to be THE UNITED COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD. With France, OUR BEST ALLIED from LAFAYETTE, I will build MY DOUBLE PRESIDENCY as I am a French native, SO SAD ABOUT NICE INJURED by terrorism.

Q: 84 murdered in your INTERNATIONAL HOMETOWN, who will pay?

A: I will with your money!! (laughs) It’s true, according to the Roma Law, that THERE IS ALWAYS A COMPENSATION AFTER A CRIME! This one was BIG AND UGLY, organized to kill my CANDIDACY, a high tech tragedy to stop my campaign AND BREAK ME! It did not work, or just 50% reduced to now. You medias, YOU DESERVE TO BE THE 4TH POWER at my side TO PREVENT totalitarism and justice with no court. Self-defense is ok but A GUN LAW MUST TELL WHAT IS WRONG IN THE US ABOUT VIOLENCE. I want John Boehner to be my special lieutenant TO MEET A LOT OF AMERICANS UNTIL THE END OF THE YEAR for a dialogue about GUN CONTROL. Our previous Speaker will write a WHITE REPORT personally for me, Frederic Vidal alias your MIKE FULLER, that I will read in January 2017 after my meeting with John G. Roberts, our Supreme!!!
If I am able to cancel ISIS terrorism in 2018, the least I can do is also to have a deal with our population regarding our HOMELAND: Nothing will be like before at that time. In SF, I build a program for you, Cleveland, that is not SciFi but conclusion of an old plan.

On Wednesday and Thursday (for the introduction and the conclusion),
July 20 and 21, Mike Fuller tweets from San Francisco.

Human Trafficking versus Human Being. 

 INTRODUCTION OF EXPOSE by Frederic Vidal alias Mike Fuller 

 for the Cleveland Republican Convention.

I have to be really proud to speak to you from THIS SYSTEM and definitely, ABOUT THE 2000’s, a century that is not yet OURS, JUST A CONSTRUCTION that is ARCHITECTURE of a Culture we don’t know. In this new LAND OF FAME and OF PAIN sometimes, my duty is to REFUSE what is not GOP connected in the XXth century. A democratic program will stay DEM. A REP in 2016 cannot look like a DEM in 1998. So be sure I’m not a GUEST.

I will tell you MY MOTHER was the contrary of A DIVA LOOKING LIKE A SLAVE FOR LOVE or glam. Hollywood is my activity because GRACE was his MASTERMIND OF SPIRITUAL SENSUALITY, from a Blonde to a Brunette I lost on Bastille Day 2003, Katie Holmes on the set of a scene with me featured. Not more like THE PRESS & THE MEDIAS until now. It’s not what my Super Mom PRINCESS GRACE KELLY of MONACO wanted. She prepared, if I would like TO BE ELECTED PRESIDENT OR EQUIVALENT, a list of subjects NEVER to forget ABOUT: Cold War, Pop Culture, Global Warming, Cable TV.

4 Times, the press will remember HUMAN HOLLYWOOD TRAFFICKING is a shame and will be not anymore pretty soon AS 2025 not far away, 9 years of HUMAN IMPROVING. KODAK and APPLE, BRANDS of PAST and FUTURE to refuse WOMEN LIKE BEINGS FOR networking only. 1945, END OF WAR with no more HATE and SLAVERY OF THE JEWS. We will see each other for the 4th point that is Blake without prostitution.

Part 1. 2025. Is there a planet available for us after Earth?

This planet was maybe already there before. We must think that NASA has already identified it. NEW EARTH is not only a project, it’s basically what will be our new home. REPUBLICANS, I am afraid this planet where we were so much happy and powerful during these 250 first years of the United States of America IS ABOUT TO BE DESTROYED BY A COMET because JESUS DID HIS WILL LIKE THAT. (some laughs) No kidding, the Christ DECIDED FOR US to schedule our end and it will be in 2025. 9 years, we have 9 years to organize OUR MOVE. It’s not easy but George Washington was another MIKE FULLER and space time is our tool TO CELEBRATE INDEPENDENCE DAY a last time.

This final countdown is necessary because according to the BIBLE, we are also guilty: HOLLYWOOD is a center of HUMAN TRAFFICKING. GOD does not want HUMAN BEING to be a prisoner, a slave or a prostitute of companies that diffuse FICTIONS meaning lies with ACTORS obliged to obey. The ecosystem is DOWN 50%. The sun would finish us in less than one century. So. guys, us, Republicans, we have to call the AIR FORCE and the NASA to tell them: build us an UFO to leave the Milky Way, for a new Adam, our President Frederic VIDAL (IF Medias accept to feature him) and his beloved Lady, EVE #2, Jessie Andrews alias Close Coopers (laughs). WE WANT US TO BE the couple of New Earth to raise a new fame about human kind WITHOUT HUMAN TRAFFICKING that means death of personality, identity and availability to communicate with the others. So, we do that, Reps, tell it to Trump, Donald will finance with me and let’s focus on this YEAR 2016 to end any kind of alternate script!!!!

I’ll be back for KODAK, the previous sister of APPLE COMPUTER. We have in our Party to be proud of the REAGANOMICS. The President is the CEO of the Nation and I propose to Dr. Trump to be our Chairman!!! (laughs) I come back after some ads and the singer of BRAMSTOCKER.

Part 2. Kodak. I’m back.

With a lot of good businesses in the States, we cannot be in a crisis like this one. WHAT HAPPENED previously? Barack Obama? W? I think if the US are disabled 10%-25%, it’s because we are not CREDIT MANAGERS!! We are too much DAYDREAMERS! This is time for A WAKE UP!! Create your company, I can tell you it’s the best. But we have to study why we are so much rich and not able to HAVE KODAK BACK ON TRACK. The example of the company is crucial according to me TO SHOW WE ARE NOT TOTALLY LIKE BEFORE. KODAK was the symbol of the CAMERAS. Where is this REALITY OF OUR FEDERATION now? Nowhere unfortunately. The Congress must vote in 2017 a law to reopen the Worldwide COCA-COLA of the communications. IT WILL BE LIKE A US OWNED Kodak COMEBACK. Take it or leave it, Republicans, KODAK next gen is yours if WE WIN THE VOTE OF WEBBERS.

APPLE COMPUTER CAN DO BETTER, after some ads and a song by BRAMSTOCKER singer, Fred KELLY! See you for this with your laptop. Not bad, not bad at all. This expose is signed by me with a special guest that could have been APPLE COMPUTER. Obviously, they were not alone. Personal Computer, the PC, empowered by MICROSOFT is also a part of my LOGISTICS FOR THIS TRIP TO WASHINGTON. We are all AMERICANS. But I want you to know that I am a special fan of APPLE, not invited by THE BEATLES of UK, but BY HISTORY OF WALL STREET. Steve JOBS was a GURU of the XXth century, another Bob DYLAN, a MEDIAS MAN like a Donald TRUMP and this place (DC) is for him too. My PC is good, my laptop is not down. APPLE, we are obliged to stay optimistic about ITS CULTURE IMPROVEMENT.

My Presidency of 4 years (BEFORE TRUMP) is a PREAMBULE of OUR CONSTITUTION indispensable Amendment that we will vote (normally) between NOVEMBER and January as I’M NOT US NATIVE but FRENCH FIRST. This amendment WILL BE ANTI-HUMAN TRAFFICKING. No Traffic in the USA Main Text of highest LAW since 1787, after 1776, before 2025. YEARS are important to know, to remember.

Presently, APPLE is this fruit that is not well understood in the Bible. EVE DID NOT EAT AN APPLE but a FRUIT OF KNOWLEDGE. The company of Jobs will have the opportunity to be selected for a federal program to IMPROVE THE CITIES TERRITORY with a network of SUPER-SCREENS, it’s not a massive budget at all!!! (laughs) It’s QUALITY TIME! I want INTERVISION in this Country. The McLuhan Galaxy IS SCREEN GALAXY. Human Beings are welcomed IF FREE and EMPTY of Corruption of the Human Trafficking (when you work without being paid but not for a nonprofit, definition of the H.T.).

I’m POST-DOC and PhD since 1999, my goal is a White House University! The Professors will be the Ministers and the first one the SECRETARY OF STATE will teach DIPLOMACY in the COMPUTER AGE. The Web must leave, the post-Web will be called SCREEN, BEAT, FLOWER. Flower, I like it. The Flower Power has been huge in the 60’s. It’s back for our New Era, AGE, with our success against Hillary CLINTON. This charming Lady has to be prepared for a teamwork FULLER-APPLE that is more than necessary: WE CHOSE THE BRAND WE WANT. You can be sure I need a new TABLET.

In a second time, I will write to the Congress to organize a McCARTHY COMMISSION II about investigating H.T. in Hollywood with possible victims: FEMALE SUPERSTARS. The Flower is not appreciated enough there. APPLE for the Administration 2017-2020, it will appear COMPULSORY to rewind probable CORRUPTION RISK Wash.-Holly., Washington-Hollywood. We need the best tools at the White House and to FEEL CLOSE TO EACH OTHER IN THE US. So, great ideas, fine drafts, I had in mind for you to know. NEXT 1945, HITLER MUST BE NEUTRALIZED a second time. He’s still too much present in 2016. Danger is WWII syndrome, terrorism. SEE YOU, I have to call Trump!!

PART 3. 1945

Roosevelt is not responsible but I must inform you that it is now almost sure our 50 States paid for Hitler and his dark circle of Nazis to be in charge of Germany, from 1933 UNTIL THE END. The end is a song BY THE DOORS but also a concept meaning NOTHING AFTER!! (laughs) This is sad and surprising bu American BANKS financed CONCENTRATION CAMPS built by the IIIRD REICH and franchise… No joke, no Trump! We cannot let that in this state OF SECRET, also a state of EMERGENCY. JEWS killed by GERMANY are forgotten too often according to me and Donald! ENJOY CURRENT America, not celebrating our Victory of 45. Two Atomic BOMBS (on Hiroshima and Nagasaki) and millions of warriors killed: this horrible war could have been STOPPED BEFORE TO BEGIN, in 1938 IN MUNICH: an agreement was find between Germany, France, Great-Britain and Italy.

WE HAD TO PARTICIPATE IN IT, not as a guest BUT AS A CHIEF of the Free World, not including USSR. Roosevelt, one more time, was WRONG. This President is famous for his NEW DEAL, US comeback after 1929 crisis in Wall Street. He underestimated DANGERS OF THE SVASTIKA for Earth. The war itself was a CHAOS OF BATTLEFIELDS. Very bad, very destructive of the planet. 77 years later, MY WHITE HOUSE WILL REOPEN THIS file. I told you on Monday for my Speech about September 11 my deep admiration, it’s my choice, for the Jewish State, ISRAEL. It compensates HATE of some extremists, CRITICS of too many fake friends of the STATE AFTER AUSCHWITZ. The State after Auschwitz, it could be the title of a Win-Win story, a business and cultural one between our 2 people to be FORGIVEN for the MISTAKES OF FRANKLIN (D-Day also was too brutal).

The killed jews of the DEATH CAMPS won’t never live again, my friends. They are a part of the CEMETERIES. There, we must invite GOEBBELS and the basic rule of this provisory GERMANY and a terrible decision against the XIXth century. Progress is, FOR US, HUMAN RIGHTS. Let’s call his troops to REGRET WHAT THEY DESTROYED, beings looking human anyway, even with a religion to follow. HUMAN TRAFFICKING until death was Hollywood a concentration camp or a death one IF THE PRODUCERS AND ACTORS refuse to C H A N G E methods and salaries. We’re sick of our TVs and theaters BIG SCREENS. Hardware, software, CONTENT. This is the content that hqas to be improved, CLOSER TO JEWISH ORIGINS and FAIR for everybody, including the poor, including the disabled, TRUMP and ME, we know Human Beings can be UPGRADED in this industry. We compare it to the Reich.

My speech against Human Trafficking is a speech I am dedicating to France, our sister-Country, our 51st State if I am elected President all at once, a delinquent Nation right now supporting bad treatment of good actors or not in Los Angeles, Hollywood and first in Paris, their capital. After almost one century of movie industry, a new art ready to represent our civilization with the talent of ITS DIRECTORS like Steven Spielberg and JJ Abrams, we must be ambitious and severe to stop the brainwashing of the mass medias that are almost democratic only.

Part 4. KELLY. Blake Lively, the actress I met on the Web in 2009 for my blog expression and on the Warner lots, not personally, when I was BACKGROUND ACTING as Fred Kelly, member of the Screen Actors Guild, is still the AMBASSADOR of French FASHION (Dior, L’Oreal, Marie-Claire magazine headlines, etc.) while she is not anymore the star of GOSSIP GIRL. She’s older now after 7 years since I SAID ONLINE SHE’S HUMAN TRAFFICKED. Nobody said the contrary UNTIL NOW. I was homeowner in Hollywoodland and starting my career of SCREENWRITER after decades of SONGWRITING for my pleasure and commercial plans.

THE FRENCH COP, THE GERMAN SPY, VELVET EYES, you know about them. These films will be released in the United States in 2017, 2018, 2019. They represent the best prevention of the HUMAN TRAFFICKING. HUMAN BEINGS, heroes of the 3 motion pictures, are supporting THE POLICE OF THEIR ENVIRONMENT to erase all crimes that could be INSPIRED BY SLAVERY. In 2020, Blake who is our WITNESS, for a lawsuit also possibly, will be 3 years OLDER. What will be the result of all of this IF I CONTINUE TO BE BLACKLISTED IN THE MEDIAS. In that case, I won’t be President at all. This is a shame we have to refuse immediately.

It’s why I am with you favorable also to a NUREMBERG TRIAL II, not only a McCARTHY COMMISSION sequel. Crimes against humanity include to CANCEL CAREERS of producers, directors, actors ALL LIFE LONG until DEATH. We’re Americans, DREAMERS OF REALITY. We got 50 States, beginning with only 13 COLONIES and A REVOLUTION to have them INDEPENDENT. Let’s do the same, we can’t accept NEO-SLAVERY. Female actresses, HUNDREDS OF THEM, actors, OTHER PROFESSIONS, SAME PROBLE, UNEMPLOYMENT ILLNESS: this is all about the body and the Mind missing for basic functions OF LIBERTY.
REPUBLICANS, NOW IT’S OVER. DICTATORSHIP OF OBAMA MUST COLLAPSED. He din’t created the system BUT IMPROVED IT INVERSED. Call the journalists YOU READ, Americans, Republicans, tell them we are upcoming WITH Donald TRUMP and even our competitor Hillary CLINTON if she agrees TO REFORM THIS NORTH AMERICA, in 4 years, after the vote of the laws, the change of the TRADITIONS. The ones who will refuse the Progress of US ALL will go nowhere and stay in 16. Speak after the Convention to your village. Thanks.


So Now, no more day of convention to continue with us our HUMAN BEING versus HUMAN TRAFFICKING speech. THis is the CONCLUSION of the confrontation. H.T. will end when the judge will decide to prosecute MORE PEOPLE on a daily basis. What we can do is ALSO TO VOTE A LAW IN 17 to increase the fact THIS IS A CRIME AND ITS REPRESSION AND PREVENTION will be more DEFINED and CONFIRMED. Grace KELLY wanted Hollywood-FREE of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE and corporate PRESSURES not compatible with the Liberty of Expression.

As a part of this community, I FEEL DEVASTATED we are not able to WELCOME MEDIAS when it’s not commercial (films). In Nice, 84 deads on the Promenade des Anglais for Bastille Day 2016!! Worldwide they are waiting for us on their SMALL SCREEN, moviegoers, TVgoers for news. I CANNOT BE A MAN SO REPUBLICAN AND PROGRAMMING MY VICTORY if I don’t conclude MY SPEECH by more a THREAT A COMPLAINT. Finally, TRUMP is yours, I AM YOUR UNOFFICIAL CANDIDATE offering him A LAWSUIT and not at all a new business suit but LIST OF SUBJECTS to control he wants me NO FUTURE in the Medias. This won’t happen. Thanks!!

Frederic Vidal a.k.a. Mike FULLER


2. Q&A: Mike Fuller at Cleveland Republican Convention.

Q: you are not supported by Mr. Trump to be a second GOP candidate if he is too weak.
How can you manage this situation with the blackout of the press? A: I don't care. He is with his environment, I am with mine. I don't know
How can you manage this situation with the blackout of the press? A: I don't care. He is with his environment, I am with mine. I don't know
say the contrary. I am on Twitter right now, on the account of mine, Mike Fuller, to tell you I AM CANDIDATE AND I WILL GET THE MEDIAS AS
I AM SOMEONE WHO NEVER CHANGE MY MIND. Trump candidacy is not enough to make me change my mind. I told you, I am a Republican candidate like
him and I don't need this Convention to confirm me. I DON'T VALIDATE THIS CONVENTION THAT IS FREELANCE & DYSFUNCTIONAL like you could check
for the primaries thanks to many TV CNN style debates that showed how much HE WAS A GUEST NOT WELCOMED BY MANY, a guest not welcomed by many
with the plagiarism scandal of Mrs. Trump. We are not a party, at the GOP, to be the party of the SHOW BUSINESS. Trump is a SPECTACULAR CAN
OFFICE? Projects, they are welcomed in the Oval. DONALD IS NOT REAGAN, I feel empty if I follow him, forgetting me. (LAUGHS!!) Q; you mean,
Trump is like an actor of the old GOP, for a Presidency with no real content? A: you right, certainly. He is an elephant with a trumpet
playing some jazz that is not really new but a kind of potpourri of old tunes. I am a SONGWRITER, YOU KNOW and these guys think I won't
be important in the next few weeks. LOOK AT THEM, THEY ARE THE RESULT OF A DISPUTE PROCESS. Trump finished badly all the other candidates
Republicans, leaders and voters. TRUMP SUPPORTERS ARE OUTSIDE THE PARTY, in the midwest. You must never underestimate somebody or want to
exclude him or her. THIS WILL BE THE SAME FOR ME THIS SUMMER. I am not a Trump but I am not somebody different than Donald. I have no BFF
at the Republican Party. I am certain I have not only enemies there. Don Trump is the candidate of the MARKET, I represent THE ESTABLISHMENT
as I am, me, Mike Fuller alias FREDERIC VIDAL, immigrant from France, PhD insider of the United States, THE RIGHT NEWCOMER at 57!! (laughs)
Q: some of them at the GOP are victims of the NSA campaign against you? (laughs) A: THEY ARE VICTIMS OF THEIR TRUMP-MANIA after their TRUMP-
HATE. They must be BIPOLAR. They forgot to see a doctor. ME, I'M OK. My writings on the Web SHOW SINCE OCTOBER 16, 2015 when I came back
from Nice, France HOW MUCH I BUILD MY PRESIDENCY I WILL GET IF I'M IN THE MEDIAS: strongly, smartly, definitely. I am never impressed by a
NO SHOW of journalists or a DEFAMATION of the Authorities. USA 2016, it's the Olympic Games without Pierre de Coubertin! (laughs) Where is
George Washington, HE WILL BACK WITH ME THIS POOR MAN!! Obama is a junior President who was not a historian at all. He is leaving with his
dream power. I won't miss him AT ALL this Barack of the military of Bush. Let's speak about Iraq and the American Beat to conclude. Q: Ok.

Q&A, part 4. Mike Fuller in Cleveland. Q: ISIS, Iraq, Beat generation, Mike? A: I'M HERE. You know, I am a perfect believer about ISLAM I
know a lot. ISIS will be at the CDC, the CAMP DAVID CONFERENCE in 2018 when I will tell it, Iraq is OURS if we DECIDE TO STOP WAR WORLDWIDE.
Regarding BUSH, the lawsuit in New York. I just arrived in the US in 2003 and war started FOR NOTHING. It is a danger to fight for nothing.
We finished Alqaida enough WITH DIPLOMACY. Bin Laden is not anymore, not because we killed Sadam Hussein but thanks to the UN. I WILL OFFER
you THE PRESIDENCY OF THE UNITED NATIONS. You, PRESS, you are my guest at the White House and the United Nations. The CONGRESS will vote the
laws in 17 and 18 TO REFORM THE AMERICAN SOCIETY. Meanwhile, I will be a GLOBE-TROTTER (laughs) visiting more than 20 countries in one year!
50 Countries in 24 months with AIR FORCE ONE, This is what we need to be THE UNITED COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD. With France, OUR BEST ALLIED
from LAFAYETTE, I will build MY DOUBLE PRESIDENCY as I am a French native, SO SAD ABOUT NICE INJURED by terrorism. Q: 84 murdered in your
INTERNATIONAL HOMETOWN, who will pay? A: I will with your money!! (laughs) It's true, according to the Roma Law, that THERE IS ALWAYS A
COMPENSATION AFTER A CRIME! This one was BIG AND UGLY, organized to kill my CANDIDACY, a high tech tragedy to stop my campaign AND BREAK ME!
It did not work, or just 50% reduced to now. You medias, YOU DESRVE TO BE THE 4TH POWER at my side TO PREVENT totalitarism and justice with
no court. Self-defense is ok but A GUN LAW MUST TELL WHAT IS WRONG IN THE US ABOUT VIOLENCE. I want John Boehner to be my special lieutenant
TO MEET A LOT OF AMERICANS UNTIL THE END OF THE YEAR for a dialogue about GUN CONTROL. Our previous Speaker will write a WHITE REPORT person-
nelly for me, Frederic Vidal alias your MIKE FULLER, that I will read in January 2017 after my meeting with John G. Roberts, our Supreme!!!
If I am able to cancel ISIS terrorism in 2018, the least I can do is also to have a deal with our population regarding our HOMELAND: Nothing
Nothing will be like before at that time. In SF, I build a program for you, Cleveland, that is not SciFi but conclusion of an old plan. END

3 & 4. All American Beings: It's Possible According to Mike Fuller If Human Justice Is Controlling The Backstage Of The Career Of Girls And Women Working In The Entertainment Industry, Not Only Their Bank Account!

On Twitter 7/21/2016
Human Trafficking versus Human Being. INTRODUCTION OF EXPOSE by Frederic Vidal alias Mike Fuller for the Cleveland Republican Convention.
I have to be really proud to speak to you from THIS SYSTEM and definitely, ABOUT THE 2000'S, a century that is not yet OURS, JUST A CONSTRUC
-TION that is ARCHITECTURE of a Culture we don't know. In this new LAND OF FAME and OF PAIN sometimes, my duty is to REFUSE what is not GOP
connected in the XXth century. A democratic program will stay DEM. A REP in 2016 cannot look like a DEM in 1998. So be sure I'm not a GUEST.
I will tell you MY MOTHER was the contrary of A DIVA LOOKING LIKE A SLAVE FOR LOVE or gla. Hollywood is my activity because GRACE was his
MASTERMIND OF SPIRITUAL SENSUALITY from a Blonde to a Brunette I lost on Bastille Day 2003, Katie Holnes on the set of a scene with me featu
-red. Not more like THE PRESS & THE MEDIAS until now. It's not what my Super Mom PRINCESS GRACE KELLY of MONACO wanted. She prepared if I
would like TO BE ELECTED PRESIDENT OR EQUIVALENT a list of subjects NEVER to forget ABOUT: Cold War, Pop Culture, Global Warming, Cable TV.
4 Times, the press will remember HUMAN HOLLYWOOD TRAFFICKING is a shame and will be not anymore pretty soon AS 2025 not far away, 9 years of
HUMAN IMPROVING. KODAK and APPLE, BRANDS of PAST and FUTURE to refuse WOMEN LIKE BEINGS FOR networking only. 1945, END OF WAR with no more
HATE and SLAVERY OF THE JEWS. We will see each other for the 4th point that is Blake without prostitution. Thanks. FV

On Twitter 7/20/2016
HUMAN BEING versus HUMAN TRAFFICKING. Speech for the Cleveland Republican Convention by Mike Fuller alias FREDERIC VIDAL. 7/20/2016. Thanks.

Is there a planet available for us after Earth? This planet was maybe already there before. We must think that NASA has already identified
it. NEW EARTH is not only a project, it's basically what will be our new home. REPUBLICANS, I am afraid this planet where we were so much
happy and powerful during these 250 1sr years of the United States of America IS ABOUT TO BE DESTROYED BY A COMET because JESUS DID HIS WILL
LIKE THAT. (some laughs) No kidding, the Christ DECIDED FOR US to schedule our end and it will be in 2025. 9 years, we have 9 years to organ
nize OUR MOVE. It's not easy but George Washington was another MIKE FULLER and space time is our tool TO CELEBRATE INDEPENDENCE DAY a last
time. This final countdown is necessary because according to the BIBLE, we are also guilty: HOLLYWOOD is a center of HUMAN TRAFFICKING. GOD
does not want HUMAN BEING to be a prisoner, a slave or a prostitute of companies that diffuse FICTIONS meaning lies with ACTORS obliged to
obey. The ecosystem is DOWN 50%. The sun would finish us in less than one century. So. guys, us, Republicans, we have to call the AIR FORCE
and the NASA to tell them: build us an UFO to leave the Milky Way, for a new Adam, our President Frederic VIDAL (IF Medias accept to feature
him) and his beloved Lady, EVE #2, Jessie Andrews alias Close Coopers (laughs). WE WANT US TO BE the couple of New Earth to raise a new fame
about human kind WITHOUT HUMAN TRAFFICKING that means death of personality, identity and availability to communicate with the others. So,
we do that, Reps, tell it to Trump, Donald will finance with me and let's focus on this YEAR 2016 to end any kind of alternate script!!!!
(laughs). I'll be back for KODAK, the previous sister of APPLE COMPUTER. We have in our Party to be proud of the REAGANOMICS. The President
is the CEO of the Nation and I propose to Dr. Trump to be our Chairman!!! (laughs) I come back after some ads and the singer of BRAMSTOCKER.
I'm back. With a lot of good businesses in the States, we cannot be in a crisis like this one. WHAT HAPPENED previously? Barack Obama? W?
I think if the US are disabled 10%-25%, it's because we are not CREDIT MANAGERS!! We are too much DAYDREAMERS! This is time for A WAKE UP!!
Create your company, I can tell you it's the best. But we have to study why we are so much rich and not able to HAVE KODAK BACK ON TRACK.
The example of the company is crucial according to me TO SHOW WE ARE NOT TOTALLY LIKE BEFORE. KODAK was the symbol of the CAMERAS. Where is
this REALITY OF OUR FEDERATION now? Nowhere unfortunately. The Congress must vote in 2017 a law to reopen the Worldwide COCA-COLA of the com
-munications. IT WILL BE LIKE A US OWNED Kodak COMEBACK. Take it or leave it, Republicans, KODAK next gen is yours if WE WIN THE VOTE OF
WEBBERS. Part 2: APPLE COMPUTER CAN DO BETTER, after some ads and a song by BRAMSTOCKER singer, Fred KELLY! See you 4 this with your laptop.
Not bad, not bad at all. This expose is signed by me with a special guest that could have been APPLE COMPUTER. Obviously, they were not
alone. Personal Computer, the PC, empowered by MICROSOFT is also a part of my LOGISTICS FOR THIS TRIP TO WASHINGTON. We are all AMERICANS.
But I want you to know that I am a special fan of APPLE, not invited by THE BEATLES of UK, but BY HISTORY OF WALL STREET. Steve JOBS was a
GURU of the XXth century, another Bob DYLAN, a MEDIAS MAN like a Donald TRUMP and this place (DC) is for him too. My PC is good, my laptop
is not down. APPLE, we are obliged to stay optimistic about ITS CULTURE IMPROVEMENT. My Presidency of 4 years (BEFORE TRUMP) is a PREAMBULE
of OUR CONSTITUTION indispensable Amendment that we will vote (normally) between NOVEMBER and January as I'M NOT US NATIVE but FRENCH FIRST.
This amendment WILL BE ANTI-HUMAN TRAFFICKING. No Traffic in the USA Main Text of highest LAW since 1787, after 1776, before 2025. YEARS are
important to know, to remember. Presently, APPLE is this fruit that is not well understood in the Bible. EVE DID NOT EAT AN APPLE but a
FRUIT OF KNOWLEDGE. The company of Jobs will have the opportunity to be selected for a federal program to IMPROVE THE CITIES TERRITORY with
a network of SUPER-SCREENS, it's not a massive budget at all!!! (laughs) It's QUALITY TIME! I want INTERVISION in this Country. The McLuhan
Galaxy IS SCREEN GALAXY. Human Beings are welcomed IF FREE and EMPTY of Corruption of the Human Trafficking (when you work without being
paid but not for a nonprofit, definition of the H.T.). I'm POST-DOC and PhD since 1999, my goal is a White House University! The Professors
will be the Ministers and the first one the SECRETARY OF STATE will teach DIPLONACY in the COMPUTER AGE. The Web must leave, the post-Web
will be called SCREEN, BEAT, FLOWER. Flower, I like it. The Flower Power has been huge in the 60's. It's back for our New Era, AGE, with our
success against Hillary CLINTON. This charming Lady has to be prepared for a teamwork FULLER-APPLE that is more than necessary: WE CHOSE THE
BRAND WE WANT. You can be sure I need a new TABLET. In a 2nd time, I will write to the Congress to organize a McCARTHY COMMISSION II about
investigating H.T. in Hollywood with possible victims: FEMALE SUPERSTARS. The Flower is not appreciated enough there. APPLE for the Adminis
-tration 2017-2020, it will appear COMPULSORY to rewind probable CORRUPTION RISK Wash.-Holly., Washington-Hollywood. We need the best tools
at the White House and to FEEL CLOSE TO EACH OTHER IN THE US. So, great ideas, fine drafts, I had in mind for you to know. NEXT 1945, HITLER
MUST BE NEUTRALIZED a second time. He's still too much present in 2016. Danger is WWII syndrome, terrorism. SEE YOU, I have to call Trump!!

HUMAN BEING versus HUMAN TRAFFICKING by Frederic Vidal aka Mike FULLER, Cleveland Republican Convention. PART: 3. 1945 (1: 2025, 2: KODAK).
Roosevelt is not responsible but I must inform you that it is now almost sure our 50 States paid for Hitler and his dark circle of Nazis to
be in charge of Germany, from 1933 UNTIL THE END. The end is a song BY THE DOORS but also a concept meaning NOTHING AFTER!! (laughs) This is
sad and surprising bu American BANKS financed CONCENTRATION CAMPS built by the IIIRD REICH and franchise... No joke, no Trump! We cannot let
that in this state OF SECRET, also a state of EMERGENCY. JEWS killed by GERMANY are forgotten too often according to me and Donald! ENJOY
CURRENT America, not celebrating our Victory of 45. Two Atomic BOMBS (on Hiroshima and Nagasaki) and millions of warriors killed: this horri
-ble war could have been STOPPED BEFORE TO BEGIN, in 1938 IN MUNICH: an agreement was find between Germany, France, Great-Britain and Italy.
WE HAD TO PARTICIPATE IN IT, not as a guest BUT AS A CHIEF of the Free World, not including USSR. Roosevelt, one more time, was WRONG. This
President is famous for his NEW DEAL, US comeback after 1929 crisis in Wall Street. He underestimated DANGERS OF THE SVASTIKA for Earth.
The war itself was a CHAOS OF BATTLEFIELDS. Very bad, very destructive of the planet. 77 years later, MY WHITE HOUSE WILL REOPEN THIS file.
I told you on Monday for my Speech about September 11 my deep admiration, it's my choice, for the Jewish State, ISRAEL. It compensates HATE
of some extremists, CRITICS of too many fake friends of the STATE AFTER AUTSCHWITZ. The State after Autschwitz, it could be the title of a
Win-Win story, a business and cultural one between our 2 people to be FORGIVEN for the MISTAKES OF FRANKLIN (D-Day also was too brutal).
The killed jews of the DEATH CAMPS won't never live again, my friends. They are a part of the CEMETERIES. There, we must invite GOEBBELS and
the basic rule of this provisory GERMANY and a terrible decision against the XIXth century. Progress is, FOR US, HUMAN RIGHTS. Let's call
his troops to REGRET WHAT THEY DESTROYED, beings looking human anyway, even with a religion to follow. HUMAN TRAFFICKING until death was
Hollywood a concentration camp or a death one IF THE PRODUCERS AND ACTORS refuse to C H A N G E methods and salaries. We're sick of our TVs
and theaters BIG SCREENS. Hardware, software, CONTENT. This is the content that hqas to be improved, CLOSER TO JEWISH ORIGINS and FAIR for
everybody, including the poor, including the disabled, TRUMP and ME, we know Human Beings can be UPGRADED in this industry. We compare it
to the Reich.

My speech against Human Trafficking is a speech I am dedicating to France, our sister-Country, our 51st State if I am elected President all
at once, a delinquent Nation right now supporting bad treatment of good actors or not in Los Angeles, Hollywood and first in Paris, their ca
-pitale. After almost one century of movie industry, a new art ready to represent our civilization with the talent of ITS DIRECTORS like
Steven Spielberg and JJ Abrams, we must be ambitious and severe to stop the brainwashing of the mass medias that are almost democratic only.
Blake Lively, the actress I met on the Web in 2009 for my blog expression and on the Warner lots, not personally, when I was BACKGROUND AC
-TING is still the AMBASSADOR of French FASHION (Dior, L'Oreal, Marie-Claire magazine headlines, etc.) while she is not anymore the star of
GOSSIP GIRL. She;s older now after 7 years since I SAID ONLINE SHE'S HUMAN TRAFFICKED. Nobody said the contrary UNTIL NOW. I was homeowner
in Hollywoodland and starting my career of SCREENWRITER after decades of SONGWRITING for my pleasure and commercial plans. THE FRENCH COP,
THE GERMAN SPY, VELVET EYES, you know about them. These films will be released in the United States in 2017, 2018, 2019. They represent the
best prevention of the HUMAN TRAFFICKING. HUMAN BEINGS, heroes of the 3 motion pictures, are supporting THE POLICE OF THEIR ENVIRONMENT to
erase all crimes that could be INSPIRED BY SLAVERY. In 2020, Blake who is our WITNESS, for a lawsuit also possibly, will be 3 years OLDER.
What will be the result of all of this IF I CONTINUE TO BE BLACKLISTED IN THE MEDIAS. In that case, I won't be President at all. This is a
shame we have to refuse immediately. It's why I am with you favorable also to a NUREMBERG TRIAL II, not only a McCARTHY COMMISSION sequel.
Crimes against humanity include to CANCEL CAREERS of producers, directors, actors ALL LIFE LONG until DEATH. We're Americans, DREAMERS OF
REALITY. We got 50 States, beginning with only 13 COLONIES and A REVOLUTION to have them INDEPENDENT. Let's do the same, we can't accept
and the Mind missing for basic functions OF LIBERTY. REPUBLICANS, NOW IT'S OVER. DICTATORSHIP OF OBAMA MUST COLLAPSED. He din't created the
system BUT IMPROVED IT INVERSED. Call the journalists YOU READ, Americans, Republicans, tell them we are upcoming WITH Donald TRUMP and even
our competitor Hillary CLINTON if she agrees TO REFORM THIS NORTH AMERICA, in 4 years, after the vote of the laws, the change of the TRADI
-TIONS. The ones who will refuse the Progress of US ALL will go nowhere and stay in 16. Speak after the Convention to your village. Thanks.

So Now, no more day of convention to continue with us our HUMAN BEING versus HUMAN TRAFFICKING speech. THis is the CONCLUSION of the confron
-tation. H.T. will end when the judge will decide to prosecute MORE PEOPLE on a daily basis. What we can do is ALSO TO VOTE A LAW IN 17
to increase the fact THIS IS A CRIME AND ITS REPRESSION AND PREVENTION will be more DEFINED and CONFIRMED. Grace KELLY wanted Hollywood-FREE
of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE and corporate PRESSURES not compatible with the Liberty of Expression. As a part of this community, I FEEL DEVASTATED
we are not able to WELCOME MEDIAS when it's not commercial (films). In Nice, 84 deads on the Promenade des Anglais for Bastille Day 2016!!
Worldwide they are waiting for us oN their SMALL SCREEN, moviegoers, TVgoers for news. I CANNOT BE A MAN SO REPUBLICAN AND PROGRAMMING MY
Worldwide they are waiting for us oN their SMALL SCREEN, moviegoers, TVgoers for news. I CANNOT BE A MAN SO REPUBLICAN AND PROGRAMMING MY
A LAWSUIT and not at all a new business suit but LIST OF SUBJECTS to contro he wants me NO FUTURE in the Medias. This won't happen. Thanks!!
Frederic Vidal a.k.a. Mike FULLER

dimanche 17 juillet 2016

Official Picture of a French Lover and a Smart Guy To be elected President in America if necessary!

Frederic Vidal for Independence Day 2016, 10 days before the Nice tragedy. His French hometown was devastated and the diffusion of this new headshot will support a new press release about terrorism and politics.

vendredi 8 juillet 2016

Frederic Vidal a.k.a. Mike Fuller ready for a Medias Conference in San Francisco with this Medias release and his new Web portrait STAY.

Photobucket's STAY Mike Fuller, W picture codes:

Email & IM


<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Mike Fuller STAY. photo Mike Fuller_zps3dk9tbhb.jpg"/></a>

HTML thumb
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Mike Fuller STAY. photo Mike Fuller_zps3dk9tbhb.jpg" style=""></a>


IMG Thumb

My Medias release (latest version)
Frederic Vidal alias Mike Fuller, US Presidential candidate
critics and propositions against dictatorship in America.

From the 6218 Rockcliff Drive in Hollywoodland, Los Angeles until the 10, avenue Notre-Dame in Nice, France - his 2 locations as a homeowner before to become temporarily homeless - when he cameback in America, October 16, 2015 to start his campaign to be President, Frederic Vidal has always been a leader like always in his life since the 1960's with his mother Grace Kelly, Princess of Monaco, and a supporter of Roma in the ancient times, the origins of our Law and Civilization with their principle, the SPQR. Consequently, from California, its headquarters State, to the United Nations in New York, begins today July 4, 2016, the diffusion of his Medias Release, Senatus Populusque Romanus, for you, worldwide, to feature Frederic Vidal, a real Web personality, a.k.a. Mike Fuller (his politicial nickname) a.k.a. Fred Kelly (his cultural pseudonym for movies and music now) in your magazine, newspaper, TV program, radio show, etc. as he deserves it and in order to finish a blackout around him that makes no sense.

STS (Silence Thomas Spears)

My FEC candidacy form
About SPQR
Also, visit my 2 sites and my 2 blogs

Frederic Vidal a.k.a. Mike Fuller
Medias Release 'ABOUT TO CHANGE'

1. FEC

1.1. I am registered as a Presidential candidate with the Federal Election Commission (#1648, ID: P60021870)
and famous on the Internet with a successful blog on Wordpress since 2009.
1.2. I am a Web candidate supporting the subculture and the minorities, waiting for more diffusion and the vote of an amendment.
1.3. I was a write-in candidate in June and in 2010, accepted by the State of California for the Republican primary
after a first campaign to be US Senator in 2010.
1.4. I want to be A GUEST CANDIDATE in the press. I am an artist (songwriter-performer and actor-screenwriter) and a self-made-man.

2. NSA

2.1. I have the feeling I am blacklisted and there is some defamation that I would be a crazy man.
I must have a bad file at the National Security Agency (NSA).
2.2. This is against the BILL OF RIGHTS and the liberty of expression that is crucial in a democracy. President Barack Obama
would personally follow my file to be sure I will do nothing like a breakthrough. His predecessor Bush was the same or worst.
2.3. I never got a press article! Is it because anti-Semitism of the Authorities?
2.4. I want this to be cancelled. My name VIDAL is Jewish but it is not my religion.


3.1. I have a band (BRAMSTOCKER) and a company (TIMEFRAMES) that are looking for more fame in Hollywood, since 2006.
3.2. I wanted to marry a girl (Blake Lively), she was a victim of human trafficking. Other girls also did not agree like a
segregation against me. I am still in progress to build a happy family but I need your help!
3.3. I propose a new McCarthy commission to solve the problems of the fake couples in the American Entertainment industry,
if it is true that too much is organized and nothing sincere in 'love stories' by US Spectacle stars.
3.4. There must be an AMERICAN CULTURE DEPARTMENT to manage the artistic community and coordinate its creations.


4.1. The population and the businesses look OK to support my fight to become President and already appreciated artist and business man.
4.2. But the Mass Medias are not enough interested in featuring my candidacy. This is the reason of this communique. It must change.
4.3. There must be probably an alternate Nuremberg Trial, if necessary, to organize against neo-Nazism in America
if it is confirmed this ideology destroyed our democracy tradition, step by step since the 1950's after we neutralized Germany.
4.4. NEW AGE AND FLOWER POWER are the solutions to reduce corruption in the Congress and at the White House
in Washington, DC. Washington must be the name of our entire society, cultural, social and not only political.

Mike Fuller, W picture
for the 4th of July, 2016.

jeudi 30 juin 2016

TIMEFRAMES UNIVERSE Origins: DUAL DIM, A 2014 motion picture project and a theory of science fiction by Frederic Vidal!

In DUAL DIM™, there is a permanent separation between the two dimmensions (1 or A and 2 or B). Thuis is a scientific fact that cannot be changed even if there are doors and ways to communicate and go from one to the other. This is easy to know for SciFi fans and authors but very complicated and fascinatings for readers and moviegoers. The bad dimension (B) is maybe the best as the people there are conscious of their problemes and limits but easy partners and doing well all the time, not searching to make the world better, nasty by themselves but not too much and ready to help each others. In the other dimension, the good (A), persons are fully understanding the necessity to protect the society by being fair and moral fellows and it does not work too much, creating crimes and chaos, to some extend (less than in DIM B but more terrible).

The heroes of DUAL DIM™ are a couple of space-time secret agents, members of the CSI brigade, a team of officers who control the risks of contamination of the first Dim (A) by sending groups to solve some problems of the other dim, including this one regarding a duet of heroes-actors-agents, the FRENCH COP™ couple, and this other concerning a band that is a myth but not a Charts and released albums one, BRAMSTOCKER™, 2 issues that must be investigated by Paul Lumiere and his partner-in-(good) crime. Reuniting Fiction, Science and Reality, the D/D™ show is giving to the public a message of esperance as there is always people from the other side who are available to shake your hand and close your crisis. For our band, ths is an opportunity to be better known and more famous as we are a mono-band right now (very productive with new songs but not ready, all at once, for the stage) looking for musicians to compose the new line-up, more than a casting. Let’s say that I (Frederic Vidal) am BRAMSTOCKER™ by myself in July 2012 for a while (but we are 4 in the sub-franchise DUAL DIM™ in the book and on the screen with new – line-up 2012 – names).

Le Minitel n’a plus de réseau de sites depuis la fin du mois dernier, c’est dommage, c’est un exemple de l’obsolescence d’un moyen de communication, remplacé par l’Internet ? Le produit n’est pas le même. In DUAL DIM™, les deux dimensions se ressemblent mais elles ne sont pas similaires, sans que l’on sache pourquoi. La nôtre est définitivement celle appelée dans le “Livre” Dimension A, celle de la morale et de la religion, des lois et des préjugés, du bien contre le mal, de la bonté contre la pauvreté. Dans cette dimension, même les méchants ne le sont qu’à mi-temps car ils se repentissent. C’est très bien ainsi mais le “Film” montre que c’est aussi, si excès, un dysfonctionnement. C’est pourquoi l’autre dimension existe, selon cette “Légende”, la dimension B de notre planète où tout est beaucoup plus simple, moins de morale mais, jugée par nous (de la dim 1), on dirait : beaucoup plus de corruption, jusqu’à ce que des “Voyageurs” de cet autre dimension viennent nous donner la leçon car nos faux-semblants (selon eux) les dérangent. N’y voyez pas d’allégorie, je n’ai jamais rencontré de visiteur d’une autre dimension (la deuxième serait l’unique altérité de la nôtre). Néanmoins, il en sortira un bien, dans la mesure aussi où ces “Villains” ne sont pas vraiment les ennemis de nos intérêts que l’on pourrait examiner d’une autre manière comme étant tributaires des leurs.

La Révolution de Mai 68 n’a rien à voir avec autre chose bien qu’elle fut, de manière décalée, fatale au Général de Gaulle comme la Révolution française le fut à Louis XVI et la Révolution Internet actuelle peut l’être à François Hollande, un Président affaibli, bien que je le soutienne, par sa vocation à paraître plus qu’à persuader. Dans la théorie de la Double Dimension™ (DUAL DIM™), on peut en tirer certains enseignements pour le Pouvoir qui se doit bien sûr d’être impartial, bien que cela relève du Domaine de l’Etat qui parfois accepte le Fait du Prince, le pouvoir discrétionnaire du libre arbitre de la souveraineté nationale, exercé par l’éxécutif ou le législatif, comme dans la série de l’été (D/D™) les gens de B viennent en Dim A pour convaincre aveec une autre mentalité que la nôtre mais nous n’y tenons pas alors que c’est finalement pour bien faire, selon nos normes d’où acceptation jusqu’à nouvel ordre. Il faut savoir ce que l’on veut, A et B finalement ne sont pas parfaits, ni l’un ni l’autre, et nous avons besoin de normes de conduite pour nous assimiler à l’Internet avant l’Intervision™ sans qu’il y ait risque pour nos dirigeants de sortie de la route. Le casting actuellement en charge de l’Etat n’est pas mauvais en tant que tel mais soumis à pression qu’il faut pouvoir mesurer et comprendre.