In God we trust, in America and I must acknowledge I believe in Jesus too. Not like the others, he was a supreme being. After all, I will be in the District of Columbia soon enough to be on location in Washington to organize better this whole thing, meaning a mess that will not happen, chaos is bad.
Hello from San Jose Senator RUBIO
and I know we follow each other on the Social Media. You must be busy with your campaign for the Senate. Our friend Eric CANTOR was the victim of these difficult re-election process for everybody. Anyway, it is not the most important today as we are together in a Country changing too fast partly and staying too low wrongly. I have my mind still connected to the 1950’s and President General Dwight Eisenhower is our guest more than ever like a Republican to the others.
There won’t be a 2nd Republican candidate this November. I said at the Cleveland Convention my candidacy would be an indie 1, to attract I would say, LIBERAL votes. It’s what we need. The other candidates, they are doing well, we must stay quiet about them, to criticize is a gift not to use too much. TRUMP is our man in touch with HILLARY, us we have another duty. I mean, if you are welcomed to my project, I think so as you are famous for your great inspiration and leadership of the GOP and Florida of the Hispanic community and all communities reunited.
On a blog I have all my texts ready for you and your staff I have this invitation to confirm after my letter of the 13, for you to be my Vice-President if we are elected: all the candidates must have in mind this possibility that is also an objective, crucial and so obviously the very first one. Democracy was born in Athens in the Ancient Times, a long time ago. Nowadays, routine is creating a sad buzz corruption would erased little by little our liberties, basically. I can’t accept it’s true. Our Ticket could fight that, shows nothing’s possible, so no dictatorship on its way.
With my PhD, my program to be President (since 13) and 10 years of networking on the Web with thousands of friends, supporters and followers who are wonderful persons lie campaign workers of the New Age, I remember the Flower Power of the 1960’s to repeat that the present crisis in America in 16 started in 8 and is, before all, social and cultural, having bad vibs to reduce our economy (the business more than the industry.
With our ticket FULLER RUBIO, that will be featured in a few days from A to Z in the States, if you say yes to this challenge compatible with the Republican Party Donald TRUMP choice as the Cleveland Status Quo accepted an alternate expression from the GOP outside, I will conclude by telling you how much this US crisis can be stopped by Minorities improvement (like the Latinos) and Counterculture (or sub) empowerment:
HOLLYWOOD is not the same. Science Fiction (Sci Fi) is 100% of the movies almost, the main ones, like 2001 that was in the minority. It means this is a new deal of massive questions to manage for the replies to be found by the Presidency and Congress. I exaggerate a littles, Sci Fi is not alone, I am myself author of movie stories of this style. The human trafficking is a plague that can attack them in LA. We have these arts (films, music, comics, games) of the young to be sure that could help to socialize our Country financing, I mean poverty.
This is a draft, just my letter to you, not a speech, you have the idea. Actress Jennifer LAWRENCE new movie, PASSENGERS, in the theaters, is the sign, America has always NEW NAMES to be #1. Who knew Jennifer a couple of years ago? And now she’s the symbol of the great Charles Chaplin industry. These people, they are formidable, they deserve to be more invited at the White House by us, if we are there!! I have so many more things to tell you. I will wait until I can meet you. I am in San Jose, California, heart of the Silicon Valley. It’s not too late for a campaign, the 4 last weeks are so important by themselves, you know.
Let’s continue to communicate. No reply from you is be cause so busy you are, since the primaries.
My time is yours.
POSTSCRIPT. We are not in a hurry Senator Marco RUBIO. We are on time. We had to listen and follow the Donald TRUMP campaign before to accept or to refuse. Frankly speaking, you must be like me, OVERDOSED by so much talent for VEGAS more than for the WHITE HOUSE. By networking together, we will show that the Republicans are not A FAN CLUB OF A BILLIONAIRE. By finalizing our double candidacy until the end, we will be more than brilliant, CHAMPIONS OF A NEW STYLE.
This election will be played IN THE LAST FEW DAYS. No polls to see that!! HUGE QUESTIONS OF DARK MATTERS: ISIS outside, CHARLOTTE inside and more everyday (Hillary sickness, Donald fraud) about 2 persons who are not so welcomed: there is a Route for us, not the 66 or the 99, too historic, just, I will say, the 45: after war, United Nations and YALTA.
jeudi 22 septembre 2016
jeudi 1 septembre 2016
This Release Will Give To Mike The Notoriety of Fuller!
The last Mike Fuller press release.
I. The WEDDING SONG, a first single for BrAmStOcKeR by TIMEFRAMES.
A. An American song about a French problem: Je hais la France and Isolation.
a. The Wedding Song.
b. Je hais la France and Isolation.
B. Mike Fulller, BrAmStOcKeR's leadsinger, producer, manager: a secondary activity after politics.
a. 16 propositions and more.
b. Judiciary files.
II. Isolation of my art and candidacy.
A. How to be in touch and get notoriety.
a. The successful search of a First Lady.
b. Frederic Vidal Kelly intellectual property legacy.
B. How to be more diffused?
a. To finish the boycott: The No Power.
b. To stop defamation and blacklisting.
This is the first issue of this newsletter and there will be a second issue in October before Election Day. This publication is dedicated to late Frederic Vidal, founder in France of EVIDENCE magazine of BrAmStOcKeR nonprofit publishing in 1981. Mike Fuller is the author of this publication.
It's an American song about a French problem.
The Wedding Song is not still composed but already #1 in the charts, according to TIMEFRAMES, my company, a part of Frederic Vidal Estate. If you don't like Hey Jude by The Beatles and Rebel, Rebel by Bowie, you won't like the song. This will be anyway the rebirth of a band that was crucified by governments and populations in 1977 for nothing. The Sex Pistols were there to testify their music was pure and good to commercialize. It was not enough. The United States didn't want a French rock band like the Stones from Nice! IT'S ABOUT A COUPLE like Romeo and her impossible wife.
The song will be composed from Washington, DC where I will be in September. It's also about another couple that will be more and more necessary to marry officially: France and the USA. This was the project #1 of my brother FV and I want it a reality next year. Nicolas Sarkosy will never be back at the Presidency, the same for Francois Hollande. I am there also the third man. If I'm there elected President, I will decide to call Monaco to invite them to be American like us. They won't refuse. On the other hand, I must say that there is a problem about justice like in Romeo and Juliet or my dear friend Marc Antony and Cleopatra: 4 deaths.
There is a group that never stopped to harass me and my girl friend never collapsed but was not able to be with me, TOO DANGEROUS? Too hard. Yves Saint-Laurent knew since the 1960's Frederic was not a possible model but a writer like me. I'm sure he would have been a perfect politician. Never mind, I replace him. I'm not disappointed, JE HAIS LA FRANCE (I hate France): this is the 2nd song of this CD to be released at the end of September. For the United States only, ISOLATION will be the 2nd title of this single. By Iggy Pop, from the album BLAH BLAH BLAH produced by David Bowie, the song expresses, like a blues with some punk, what is terrible when you alone and no future. It's a little what Frederic Vidal lived at the end of his life in Nice before the 84 killed, July 14 by ISIS. He left previously October 16 and arrived for Bastille day in SF. We will invite the Justice in France for possibly a lawsuit to schedule.
2. Mike Fuller, BRAMSTOCKER lead singer, producer and manager.
This is a story with no end.
a. 16 propositions and more.
I am proud to finish this duty begun a long time ago: to become a rock star. David Bowie passed away in January. He will stay the best British in America during the 4 years of my Presidency and after. I have 16 other propositions including to STOP THE CRISIS in the US, in our wallets and our state of mind. This crisis is blackouted like me, it's not coincidential. The negro (Barack Obama) is responsible 50%. BL is a woman who is not black but lovely. She could have been a star in Italy at Cinecitta but she preferred to be Hollywood only without Human trafficking, not possible in 2000 and something. Blake Lively, she was the one I used to marry in my project of career. I sing today for her, she is my muse wrote Frederic for his novel, the Velvet Eyes, on Wordpress. Her name will attract us more the Justice we manage for the song. US Presidential candidate, I'm the best to manage and produce BRAMSTOCKER until my election, then a record label everyday.
b. Judiciary files.
I start today my process to IMPEACH BARACK OBAMA, a President who is not acceptable in America, a dictator who played with the young and refused to improve his American-American community. In less than 6 months, it's too late to judge him. Him and his predecessor, George W Bush, will be prosecuted, if I am elected President, next year for CORRUPTION DURING THEIR MANDATES (16 years). Their action against terrorism was wrong from the beginning until the end. Iraq is a chaos more than ever. Other files of their administrations will be prosecuted too. Regarding World War II, there are many questions that stay without replies. I worked in Europe to FIND the Jewish assets stolen by the Nazis and I will continue in the United States. I supposethe White House has an important responsibility and so many documents to let us read NOW or never. The best could be a NUREMBERG TRIAL #2 and to prosecute post-mortem Adolf Hitler himself. IT WAS NEVER DONE. This horrible man needs SO MANY NEW INVESTIGATIONS like his friends Joseph GOEBBELS and Heinrich HIMMLER: 3 suicides to keep 3,000 secrets!!
Second part of the press release THE EVIDENCE by Mike Fuller.
How I got the White House in less than 3 months un the mass medias.
This part of the communique is about the ISOLATION OF MY ART AND MY CANDIDACY.
The successful research of a First Lady.
I am divorced and I think about a new woman in my heart but also in my entourage first. It was not possible until now. In America, I understood that to be with a star when you are a star, it's a MISSION IMPOSSIBLE. But I am a little the new Tom Cruise and my Katie Holmes is upcoming. I must say that I'm proud to be the one who began his movie career with Katie in a film about the White House and the Presidents families: FIRST DAUGHTER. Bastille Day 2003 was not Bastille Day 2016: no ISIS but a CATHARSIS with the American moviegoers. I was, at that time a background actor in Hollywood or, in fact, Frederic Vidal was, I am his successor and I can imagine myself for this day of shooting. Screen Actors Guild, this actor was sure to join the famous union but the conclusion is that he married NO GIRL AT ALL IN HOLLYWOOD OR ANYWHERE ELSE.
It won't be the same for me. I am your US Presidential candidate and I have the obligation to be perfect: there is no perfection without a woman. So, I do my best not to stay alone too long. From Washington, DC, I will call a young lady who is waiting for me (or not) in California or in Florida. She could be mine but I'm not sure she will say YES. It is a challenge like my election. Love stories ARE NOT REALLY ACCEPTED for me and the American girls. I was refused by several other females in the US. Jessie Andrews is the right name, the right woman, the right First Lady for me.
I never met her until now, I KNOW WHY? THE POWER. I am only a citizen with the project for it to CHANGE. Jessie and me, it's not a dream but our reality before November. You know that she will be my alter ego in BRAMSTOCKER New Age & Flower Power.
The song's upcoming to upgrade our Land of Free. Jessie is a DJ. Frederic was a Punk. I'm already in SciFi (for TIMEFRAMES comics) President of the USA Dimension. We are in the USB, according to this legend I like a lot, and I won't replace Fred with Jessie, Jessie Andrews will be my CLOSE COOPERS (my girlfriend and secretary at the White House in the other dimension). She is already Close and I will see her very soon.
As Jessie, she's dead (it's in the legend) like Fred but her franchise JESSIE ANDREWS will be huge, like for FREDERIC VIDAL as revival BRANDS of fantastic lovers! So, I call her CLOSE and I'll be her MIKE forever. Mike like a microphone for her to have a better career. She's my Linda, she's my Yoko, she's my Cher, I'm her Sonny. That is it. I hope to call her from DC mid-September.
But who was Frederic Vidal?
The owner of a marvelous Universe like Stan Lee's one or Lucas. His STAR WARS were several great movie projects. FRENCH COP, GERMAN SPY, VELVET EYES, MAN FROM 25: himself. He could have been President of the States but he selected me. HE'S NOT 100% DEAD. I'm here to replace him with Close to be Jessie. CHEERS! You know me enough, Frederic told me I AM HIS POLITICAL NAME, it means I am like him a PhD researcher with 4 magic years: 1959, 1977, 1999 and 2017. Let's write the end of this communique with a last question:
Like Vidal, I have difficulties with the medias. Hopefully, it gonna change in the newspapers. With this information, there will be some articles: there is the United States of America and there is so many people who would like our Federation to be back in 1787 when the Constitution was signed by the founders. THE BILL OF RIGHTS was not included in it. WHAT IF? What if this Bill would have been in the text? The reply can surprise you: George Washington would have not been an enemy. The bill of rights by amendment: it's the evidence, this George was not cool.
I have been boycotted in France by the Americans even with my bro Fred, see! Our blackouting-blacklisting by the US on their territory is devastating for us but only 50% not because we are 2. We are 4, WE ARE THE PEOPLE, the first words of the Constitution. We were not wrong to be Americans and we are Americans more than ever. The problem is to BE A CELEBRITY. Why not? Of course, with an Amendment that will say everything about democracy and liberty of expression before it: IN A 2ND TIME. The Bill of Rights arrived too late or not, it was too weak and fragile in front of the human beings who prefer disputes than justice according to me and Thomas Hobbes. We have a 3rd chance with no George Washington at all. I REPLACE HIM if you want it. Like the Rolling Stones, I am a W@lrus.
Mike Fuller
Postcript. For more information about my campaign, read on the Web
I. The WEDDING SONG, a first single for BrAmStOcKeR by TIMEFRAMES.
A. An American song about a French problem: Je hais la France and Isolation.
a. The Wedding Song.
b. Je hais la France and Isolation.
B. Mike Fulller, BrAmStOcKeR's leadsinger, producer, manager: a secondary activity after politics.
a. 16 propositions and more.
b. Judiciary files.
II. Isolation of my art and candidacy.
A. How to be in touch and get notoriety.
a. The successful search of a First Lady.
b. Frederic Vidal Kelly intellectual property legacy.
B. How to be more diffused?
a. To finish the boycott: The No Power.
b. To stop defamation and blacklisting.
This is the first issue of this newsletter and there will be a second issue in October before Election Day. This publication is dedicated to late Frederic Vidal, founder in France of EVIDENCE magazine of BrAmStOcKeR nonprofit publishing in 1981. Mike Fuller is the author of this publication.
It's an American song about a French problem.
The Wedding Song is not still composed but already #1 in the charts, according to TIMEFRAMES, my company, a part of Frederic Vidal Estate. If you don't like Hey Jude by The Beatles and Rebel, Rebel by Bowie, you won't like the song. This will be anyway the rebirth of a band that was crucified by governments and populations in 1977 for nothing. The Sex Pistols were there to testify their music was pure and good to commercialize. It was not enough. The United States didn't want a French rock band like the Stones from Nice! IT'S ABOUT A COUPLE like Romeo and her impossible wife.
The song will be composed from Washington, DC where I will be in September. It's also about another couple that will be more and more necessary to marry officially: France and the USA. This was the project #1 of my brother FV and I want it a reality next year. Nicolas Sarkosy will never be back at the Presidency, the same for Francois Hollande. I am there also the third man. If I'm there elected President, I will decide to call Monaco to invite them to be American like us. They won't refuse. On the other hand, I must say that there is a problem about justice like in Romeo and Juliet or my dear friend Marc Antony and Cleopatra: 4 deaths.
There is a group that never stopped to harass me and my girl friend never collapsed but was not able to be with me, TOO DANGEROUS? Too hard. Yves Saint-Laurent knew since the 1960's Frederic was not a possible model but a writer like me. I'm sure he would have been a perfect politician. Never mind, I replace him. I'm not disappointed, JE HAIS LA FRANCE (I hate France): this is the 2nd song of this CD to be released at the end of September. For the United States only, ISOLATION will be the 2nd title of this single. By Iggy Pop, from the album BLAH BLAH BLAH produced by David Bowie, the song expresses, like a blues with some punk, what is terrible when you alone and no future. It's a little what Frederic Vidal lived at the end of his life in Nice before the 84 killed, July 14 by ISIS. He left previously October 16 and arrived for Bastille day in SF. We will invite the Justice in France for possibly a lawsuit to schedule.
2. Mike Fuller, BRAMSTOCKER lead singer, producer and manager.
This is a story with no end.
a. 16 propositions and more.
I am proud to finish this duty begun a long time ago: to become a rock star. David Bowie passed away in January. He will stay the best British in America during the 4 years of my Presidency and after. I have 16 other propositions including to STOP THE CRISIS in the US, in our wallets and our state of mind. This crisis is blackouted like me, it's not coincidential. The negro (Barack Obama) is responsible 50%. BL is a woman who is not black but lovely. She could have been a star in Italy at Cinecitta but she preferred to be Hollywood only without Human trafficking, not possible in 2000 and something. Blake Lively, she was the one I used to marry in my project of career. I sing today for her, she is my muse wrote Frederic for his novel, the Velvet Eyes, on Wordpress. Her name will attract us more the Justice we manage for the song. US Presidential candidate, I'm the best to manage and produce BRAMSTOCKER until my election, then a record label everyday.
b. Judiciary files.
I start today my process to IMPEACH BARACK OBAMA, a President who is not acceptable in America, a dictator who played with the young and refused to improve his American-American community. In less than 6 months, it's too late to judge him. Him and his predecessor, George W Bush, will be prosecuted, if I am elected President, next year for CORRUPTION DURING THEIR MANDATES (16 years). Their action against terrorism was wrong from the beginning until the end. Iraq is a chaos more than ever. Other files of their administrations will be prosecuted too. Regarding World War II, there are many questions that stay without replies. I worked in Europe to FIND the Jewish assets stolen by the Nazis and I will continue in the United States. I supposethe White House has an important responsibility and so many documents to let us read NOW or never. The best could be a NUREMBERG TRIAL #2 and to prosecute post-mortem Adolf Hitler himself. IT WAS NEVER DONE. This horrible man needs SO MANY NEW INVESTIGATIONS like his friends Joseph GOEBBELS and Heinrich HIMMLER: 3 suicides to keep 3,000 secrets!!
Second part of the press release THE EVIDENCE by Mike Fuller.
How I got the White House in less than 3 months un the mass medias.
This part of the communique is about the ISOLATION OF MY ART AND MY CANDIDACY.
The successful research of a First Lady.
I am divorced and I think about a new woman in my heart but also in my entourage first. It was not possible until now. In America, I understood that to be with a star when you are a star, it's a MISSION IMPOSSIBLE. But I am a little the new Tom Cruise and my Katie Holmes is upcoming. I must say that I'm proud to be the one who began his movie career with Katie in a film about the White House and the Presidents families: FIRST DAUGHTER. Bastille Day 2003 was not Bastille Day 2016: no ISIS but a CATHARSIS with the American moviegoers. I was, at that time a background actor in Hollywood or, in fact, Frederic Vidal was, I am his successor and I can imagine myself for this day of shooting. Screen Actors Guild, this actor was sure to join the famous union but the conclusion is that he married NO GIRL AT ALL IN HOLLYWOOD OR ANYWHERE ELSE.
It won't be the same for me. I am your US Presidential candidate and I have the obligation to be perfect: there is no perfection without a woman. So, I do my best not to stay alone too long. From Washington, DC, I will call a young lady who is waiting for me (or not) in California or in Florida. She could be mine but I'm not sure she will say YES. It is a challenge like my election. Love stories ARE NOT REALLY ACCEPTED for me and the American girls. I was refused by several other females in the US. Jessie Andrews is the right name, the right woman, the right First Lady for me.
I never met her until now, I KNOW WHY? THE POWER. I am only a citizen with the project for it to CHANGE. Jessie and me, it's not a dream but our reality before November. You know that she will be my alter ego in BRAMSTOCKER New Age & Flower Power.
The song's upcoming to upgrade our Land of Free. Jessie is a DJ. Frederic was a Punk. I'm already in SciFi (for TIMEFRAMES comics) President of the USA Dimension. We are in the USB, according to this legend I like a lot, and I won't replace Fred with Jessie, Jessie Andrews will be my CLOSE COOPERS (my girlfriend and secretary at the White House in the other dimension). She is already Close and I will see her very soon.
As Jessie, she's dead (it's in the legend) like Fred but her franchise JESSIE ANDREWS will be huge, like for FREDERIC VIDAL as revival BRANDS of fantastic lovers! So, I call her CLOSE and I'll be her MIKE forever. Mike like a microphone for her to have a better career. She's my Linda, she's my Yoko, she's my Cher, I'm her Sonny. That is it. I hope to call her from DC mid-September.
But who was Frederic Vidal?
The owner of a marvelous Universe like Stan Lee's one or Lucas. His STAR WARS were several great movie projects. FRENCH COP, GERMAN SPY, VELVET EYES, MAN FROM 25: himself. He could have been President of the States but he selected me. HE'S NOT 100% DEAD. I'm here to replace him with Close to be Jessie. CHEERS! You know me enough, Frederic told me I AM HIS POLITICAL NAME, it means I am like him a PhD researcher with 4 magic years: 1959, 1977, 1999 and 2017. Let's write the end of this communique with a last question:
Like Vidal, I have difficulties with the medias. Hopefully, it gonna change in the newspapers. With this information, there will be some articles: there is the United States of America and there is so many people who would like our Federation to be back in 1787 when the Constitution was signed by the founders. THE BILL OF RIGHTS was not included in it. WHAT IF? What if this Bill would have been in the text? The reply can surprise you: George Washington would have not been an enemy. The bill of rights by amendment: it's the evidence, this George was not cool.
I have been boycotted in France by the Americans even with my bro Fred, see! Our blackouting-blacklisting by the US on their territory is devastating for us but only 50% not because we are 2. We are 4, WE ARE THE PEOPLE, the first words of the Constitution. We were not wrong to be Americans and we are Americans more than ever. The problem is to BE A CELEBRITY. Why not? Of course, with an Amendment that will say everything about democracy and liberty of expression before it: IN A 2ND TIME. The Bill of Rights arrived too late or not, it was too weak and fragile in front of the human beings who prefer disputes than justice according to me and Thomas Hobbes. We have a 3rd chance with no George Washington at all. I REPLACE HIM if you want it. Like the Rolling Stones, I am a W@lrus.
Mike Fuller
Postcript. For more information about my campaign, read on the Web
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