2017 in THE USA with BrAmStOcKeR.
by Mike FULLER (aka Frederic VIDAL).
Before BrAmStOcKeR's FAKE PUNK debut album, there is in New York the FRENCH COP and the Shadow President.
After 40 years 'off the record', the 1977 punk band decides to mix house & rock for a commercial breakthrough. Frederic VIDAL, BrAmStOcKeR's founder, is also Mike FULLER in the other dimension, US-A.
Part 1. Comment of a New York Times article.
In France, nothing new. My project of VIIth Republic is accelerating the change of the future 51st State, the Country of LAFAYETTE and NAPOLEON. In WASHINGTON, the new WATERLOO was in March for the Republicains against TRUMP and me, the SHADOW PRESIDENT.
Mike FULLER, political nickname of Frederic VIDAL.
Postscript. BrAmStOcKEr is an INTERNATIONAL BAND, French and American but also British and even RUSSIAN thanks to our connection with The PUSSY RIOTS. We are sad after the attack against the subway in St PETERSBURG. The RUSSIANGATE is obviously the first step of the IMPEACHMENT of a President we nickname P.M.U.R.T. He won't be judged alone but with his partners: CLINTON, OBAMA, BUSH and others. French politicians who were against my US Presidential candidacy in 2016 will also be prosecuted in NEW YORK for this lawsuit, nicknamed NUREMBERG 2: HOLLANDE, SARKOSY, ESTROSI, CIOTTI.
More social content:
Maybe, it won't be something else than a DRAFT if the SOCIAL AND POLITICAL JUSTICE decides to support an EVOLUTION that cannot be a real REVOLUTION but a FAKE ONE, like our album FAKE PUNK is promoting the concept of RELATIVITY. Let's be careful and ambitious like JULIUS CAESAR with CLEOPATRA. He was the real Founder of the ROMAN EMPIRE.
I am changing my environment, my context, my universe, my structure and my system: the United Nations, ACD (American Cultures Department), FRENCH COP, BrAmStOcKeR, TIMefraMES are the new values and concepts I imposed to myself. My favorite function is 2X x Y/2 = Z. It's the right dimension for our life on Earth and New Earth after 2025. SciFi is creative and flexible to understand.
Part 2. Email to the music producer of FAKE PUNK (and others, for movie first but also for medias).
14 = 16 is our motto. Our group, BraMStOcKEr, is the main Punk comeback from 77 to confirm we are 40 years later. Our album project FAKE PUNK is a possibility to be commercial because we were previously a social band from France. In America, we have this ambition to be a part of the alternate culture like a new 'AEROSMITH' but more involved in the New Age of the 2010's. 'The BEATLES' were not the band that could empower the 60's to the Flower Power today. The House music is our program of rehabilitation, me Frederic VIDAL with Jessie ANDREWS who is a Porn Star but also a DJ. Here are the links to her Soundcloud account and the link to mine:
BrAmStOcKeR Twitter account:
A. FAKE PUNK concept.
The social content is important for the marketing and the packaging of a musical product like a band and a CD. The title FAKE PUNK is a good slogan that is the first part of a sentence including REAL PORN, another expression meaning also the contrary FAKE PORN, REAL PUNK. What is real, what is fake? We must be sure that teenage culture and adult entertainment are compatible. Our group BrAmStOcKeR is also executive producer of a film project 'FRENCH COP3: WIN WIN' a thriller of Science Fiction, in pre-production with HOLLYWOOD (this saga for a movie franchise with merchandising, like a video game, started in 2006, more than 10 years ago). After this decade of organization of an Universe of literacy and cinema, this first motion picture is our next project after FAKE PUNK (probably with the actress Blake LIVELY).
B. HOUSE and PUNK together.
The present axiom is: To have the discotheques looking like a stadium for a reunion band. I believe in this target that is to play the best music for our fandom that can be massive thanks to our Web universe of Twitter but also Facebook and a Wordpress blog. The counter culture is a reality we express thanks to our manager Mike FULLER (my nickname). He is the Shadow President, according to our knowledge and the writing of our stories for movies. In WASHINGTON, he's the Biker of the old Route 66 to express our feeling of the American Dream, in a chaos of problems from the 2016 Presidential election.
C. The album production.
To schedule the sessions of the recording of the 12 songs will be in a second time. We have first to prepare a demo of 2 songs that will be 'P.M.U.R.T.' and 'My song is like a Hamburger'. The 2 songs are already composed and the lyrics ready (like for the 10 other ones). Would you be available in May to be with us and already now to produce this first deal. We could release a first CD (1,000 copies) to diffuse in New York in the show biz and the underground environment of the House music and the Punk, nationwide too, to be sure we will sign for the distribution of the album with the best company on the market for us.
D. Your role in the band.
I could check on your website you are a House DJ and a producer but also a musician who played with 'GUNS' n ROSES'. We need you because we are looking for an indie producer of the album with our label TIMefraMES Records, a brand managed by the nonprofit ACD (American Cultures Department). The Rock music and history did not want to welcome us until now in their 'Wall of Fame', wrongly, we were refused in France in 1977 but also the authorities were hostile a little, in France, in Great Britain and the United States. In 2017, the situation is not the same, we will prevail with our new lineup of two musicians, me and Jessie, Jessie and me, advised and produced by you, a producer and artist who knows what music needs.